tired of your selfish ways,
I'm tired of playing your games.
you manipulate me to bring me down w/ you.
but I discard all that you said
and I discard all that you do,
all these years you've made me feel like shit.
only to walk out-walk right out on us
lie to me and make me feel 2nd rate.
CH-chastise me w/ your ignorance
you brought me down.
you want me to fit your mold.
I'm sick of your games.
I don't have to put up with this.
your opinion means nothing to me
so I wont - so I wont
watch me do what I fucking please
now that you're gone.
watch me live my life my fucking way.
the way I was meant to
don't try to bring me down.
you're gone, nothing to me.
you can never bring me down again
you're gone, dead to me.
[repeat chorus]